It's Pumpkin Party Time!

Hey! Hi!

I’ve been playing around with pattern lately and I’m having so much fun learning how to make repeat patterns and thinking about things a little differently. Hopefully, I’ll be developing some new design muscles!

As a result, I’vet opened a Redbubble (Print on Demand) account to test out how these new designs might look on product. Also, it would be so great to make a little passive income. I mean, riiiiight!?! Soooo, if you’re in the need of a Pumpkin-themed sleeveless shirt for your kid’s class Halloween Party … I gotchoo right here!! There are many other options too…plus, lots more designs and much more to come! Please, come check it out and let m know what you think! I’d love the feedback!

Paige Pooler on Redbubble

The Pumpkin Party Sleeveless Top by Paige Pooler.